Thursday, August 03, 2006

Funny-Why Calvinism does not work in Politics

The following is a great description of why Calvinism does not work in a political environment.

A man was about to commit suicide by jumping from a high bridge, when a second man ran up to him shouting, "Stop! Stop! Don't do it!""But I have nothing to live for," said the first man.

"Maybe I can help you," said the second man. "Are you religious?"

"Yes, I am," said the first man."Me too!" said the second man.

"Are you Christian, Jewish, or Moslem?""I'm Christian," said the first man.

"Me too!" said the second man. "Are you Protestant or Catholic?"

"I'm a Protestant," said the first man."Me too!" said the second man.

"Are you Calvinist or Wesleyan?""Calvinist," said the first man.

"Me too!" said the second man. "Are you liberal or conservative?"

"Conservative," said the first man."Me too!" said the second man.

"Evangelical or Fundamentalist?""Evangelical," said the first man."Me too!" said the second man.

"Charismatic, Reformed, or Baptist?""Baptist," said the first man."Me too!" said the second man.

"General Baptist, Conference Baptist, or Northern Baptist?""Conference Baptist," said the first man."Me too!" said the second man excitedly.

"Conference Baptist of the 1932 Conference, or Conference Baptist of the 1946 Conference?""Conference Baptist of the 1932 Conference!" said the first man.

"1932? Then die, infidel heretic scum!" And the second man pushed the first man off the bridge.I guess they could not work together. Too many differences.


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