Monday, August 21, 2006

Outpost of the Empire

I am still surprised how the vast majority of Americans are deeply offended when I and others use the term 'Empire" to denote America. This article may be a developing one...shinning attention to America as the poster of troops worldwide, our boots on others soil. This inviolation of the Founders and the Constitution of America. Though there are many bases well known, in Korea (war ended 50+ yrs ago), Germany (war ended 60+ yrs ago) and NATO bases, some are less known:


-this is a small Island mid-way between Sicily and Tunisia. I have always been fasicated by Islands, esp remote ones. While scanning the internet, I found this and others in the Pelagie Islands . I was surprised by this entry from Wikipedia:

On April 15, 1986, Libya fired two or three Scuds at the U.S. Coast Guard navigation station on the Italian island, in retaliation for the American bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.

Recently Lampedusa has made international news as a prime transit site for asylum seekers hoping to enter Europe from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Recent agreements made between the Libyan and Italian governments have seen the deportation of many such migrants from Lampedusa to Libya.

Ok, no matter what we all think of Libya, et al, is it not provocative since 1950's to have American military presence there???

2.Terceira Island

-this is an island in the Atlantic and part of the Azores Island chain. Again, it is part of Portugal, not USA. SInce 1943, the USA has had a presence there.

Lists of USA Air Force bases (overseas and local. BTW-Neocons, if you have issues, take it up with Jewish run Wikipedia):

As you can see from Air Force alone, there is but few places in the world the USA military precense is not. Also, Army:

and Navy:

Finally, Marines:

In future, will do a search to update this article and to see where other nations have thier forces, if anywhere extra-territorial.

A serch of Greece yields no extra-territorial bases. We can see that hte heritage of Rhodes is alive and well though with Australia:

and Britain:

The link in title is publish b USA military (again for you HomelandControl Dept reporting NeoCons). telling statement:

The United States Military has maintained a strong presence throughout the world for decades, in times of war as well as in times of peace. Today, United States military personnel are stationed throughout this country and around the world, and this Internet guide is intended to provide an introduction to federal government information about some of the active military bases outside of the United States.

Where in the now Empire, dead Republic is this in the Constitution??? Writings of Founders????


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